Artful Living



Earlier this week, a dear friend and client asked “How do you stay creatively fresh?”  I thought to myself, that is such a great question to share and staying fresh is important which requires focus, clarity and often time away or just time to play.  Do you remember as a child when you were told to go play?  We need to remind ourselves as adults to play and to take time away.  It is easy to get caught up in our roles and demands of life and not feel we are worthy of play time.  Create a list of all the things you love, your favorite colors, places, or classes you want to take.  Sign up for a class, learn something new, try a new recipe or go to a park and hop on a swing.  If you feel you positively cannot do this alone, then invite a friend.  Schedule a play date with yourself, put it on your calendar.  It need not require any expense, it should be simple and freeing.

We are so much better fresh to ourselves as we are to others.  Take time to give yourself some oxygen before you administer it to others.  I painted the above painting as a way to honor some play time and also to remind each of you that hitting the refresh button is so necessary to stay creative.

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