Artful Living

Cheers to Derby parties

It’s almost time to celebrate the Derby and while the party is really all about the Kentucky Derby Run for the Roses, it is also about the Mint Julep too. It’s also a time to wear your Hat! Paperless Post invited me to share in the fun of paperless invitations. May is a huge month of moments to celebrate and create a party. It’s so easy with paperless post to choose great invites here.  A great invite always sets the tone for a party!
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Here’s the recipe to make your own Mint Julep.
Pull out the silver, give it a good polish and fill it with roses. Cover a table with a fresh white linen cloth and you can be certain to create an elegant celebration.
A bourbon bar is easy to set up! I adore this beautiful bar I spotted at Tara Guerard.
Little bites are perfect for a party and then a party favor for every guest to take home is also a nice touch. A simple basket of fruit or cookies for every guest, and you will be a winner with all your friends. Hop on over to Paperless Post to browse all the on line invitations. Celebrations should be super simple and easy to create.
Are you celebrating anything special?

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