Artful Living


This is one of my most favorite quotes and perfect timing for my post today. I began this blog long ago and was scared. Scared that I might make a mistake. Scared that maybe someone would not like it or have negative comments but what I have learned over the years that if you are not doing one thing in your life that you find scary, then you will never know how freeing it is. Sure, we all have fears and must learn to face them or hide from them. I could choose to quit or give up, but I keep showing up and amazing myself, often with sweaty palms and a racing heart. I am not asking for anyone to put themselves into any danger but to create a list of what obstacles are in your way or causing you to hide.
do one thing
Why choose to live small? Truthfully, I can admit that when I live small, I get small. The times that I have faced my fears are the times that have pushed me to challenge myself. Honestly since I added this extraordinary group of women and business opportunity with India Hicks, I have a team of fearless leaders encouraging me to be my own hero. Everybody needs a hero or heroine, right?
Are you scared? What are you afraid of? Sure, it’s Halloween and while there might be vampires and ghastly creatures lurking, it is the time to do one thing that scares you. What are you afraid of? Let’s all heed the words of Eleanor Roosevelt and get out there and be brave. Do something today. Don’t wait. Get out there and be brave.

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