Artful Living

wunderbar christmas cookies

During the holidays, there are some simple traditions that honor those we love.
I baked these springerle cookies in honor of my Mother who is 85 and still baking.
I use this recipe found here last year.
Here they are set on the parchment paper pressed and cut into squares to dry overnight or at least 12 hours before baking.  The tiny seeds you see are crushed anisette seeds which has a sort of licorice flavor.   The wooden mold that I use was given to me by my Mother.  I love the simple shapes, birds, bees, and creatures.
After baking they “spring” up and the surface becomes hard like a thin layer of plaster.
I saved a recipe which called for a confectioner’s glaze which I tried.
It gives to cookies a lovely finish.  They are lovely to share with friends.
 Do you have “wunderbar” holiday traditions that you carry on?
Just in case you don’t know, “Wunderbar means wonderful” in German.