Artful Living


by Karen Sothers
Have you ever felt annoyed by traffic, frustrated by people at work or disappointed by a friend or family member? If you are having a lot of stressful experiences, you are probably doing a lot of judging and not a lot of loving. It is human nature to focus on the negative and judge others, which can lead to discontentment.
Loving-kindness meditations can help cultivate less judgment and more love and happiness.
During the next two weeks, spend 5 to 10 minutes each day reciting this loving-kindness meditation and notice if it starts to expand your awareness to include more love for yourself and others.
Begin by placing your hands on your heart and repeat the following phrases for yourself
• May I be peaceful and live with ease.
• May I be happy and contribute to the happiness of others.
• May I be free to live and love fully.
Continue by thinking of a loved one for whom you would like to offer a blessing:
• May you be peaceful and live with ease.
• May you be happy and contribute to the happiness if others.
• May you be free to live and love fully.
Now offer a blessing to everyone:
• May all beings everywhere be filled with everlasting peace, happiness and love.”
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