Artful Living

tips on staying creative -guest post

Please welcome my guest Eileen from a a creative day blog
Eileen shares some tips on staying creative.

Staying creative is hard. Even though I work in a creative field (interior design) the ‘busyness’ of life constantly bogs me down. But being creative is something worth fighting for, and I have developed a system that helps me remember how much I love this work.

1. Unplug. Every single day.
In the busyness of life, its easy to feel guilty for turning off your cell phone. “what if someone needs me?” But I’ve found that when I stay constantly connected to my Ical and to-do lists, I can’t be creative. We have ‘no tv’ nights where we just listen to pandora and sit on our porch and talk.

2. Walk it out
Besides the fresh air and sunshine being good for you, notice what you are drawn to and document it. Photograph your point of view, try the new bar down the street, play with texture. I constantly find myself picking up rocks and leaves, and what I’m drawn to shows me what I’m craving more of.

3. Bed Time
Some of my best ideas and projects have come to me when I get in bed before I’m tired. Just let your mind race.

4. Work with your Hands
This was huge for me when I was in college for architecture and we were constantly expected to be developing different designs and ideas. Some days I would have NO inspiration and no idea what I wanted to do. So I would come into studio and just start working with different materials with my hands, shaping and seeing what forms would come. You’ll be surprised how much you can create without trying to.

5. Something new
I always find something new, no matter how little, refreshes my creativity. As simple as a  new notebook or pen, fresh flowers or a gold paperweight on my desk sparks my interest.

6. Wine.
enough said. 

7. Others
This blogging world is pretty special and I’m constantly inspired by the creativity of my ‘bloggy’ friends. Whenever I’m stuck in a rut, I stalk my favorite designer or blogger, look through pinterest. Don’t let it overwhelm you, get excited for those who just went for it and get inspired.

Speaking of staying inspired… this very blog you are reading is an incredible source of inspiration to me. Patricia is so talented and I’m honored to be guest posting for her. Thanks for having me!

Please take some time to check out Eileen’s blog and be inspired.  Share a tip on what keeps you inspired.