Artful Living

head of the class

June is a time for many schools to celebrate special occasions and tributes with accolades and awards.  Part of the successes are due to great academics, disciplines and the department heads who instill, inspire and lead many classes to graduate with honors.
Rigor and challenge are what make a school and it’s staff as well as students thrive.
Loving and supportive parents also help as the school years require collaborative efforts.
Can you spot the uniforms, the first sketch I felt the uniforms were too light so I added a darker navy blue and felt very pleased in the illustration below.
A recent framed commission of this elite school in New York city was given to a departing school director, after many years of dedication and service.  Read these ten things from her departing speech.
Just stellar departing words of wisdom.
Do you start to get the school blues with all the special year end celebrations and speeches from graduates and special staff stepping down after being such integral parts of one’s environ?
June is such a journey at every institution.
Good luck to all the students, graduates and staff at all the many institutions all over the world this June.