Artful Living

lucky charms

Do you have a lucky charm?
The shamrock is a symbol of good luck for many.
Did you know it is the symbol for Ireland and for the patron Saint Patrick.
Happy Saint Patrick’s day and Happy Birthday to me.
 I feel so lucky to have been born in this special day.
Coco Chanel was a superstitious woman and named her perfume no. 5.  Did you know that Chanel no.5 is the largest selling perfume in the world?
President Obama has his own lucky charms.
When I find a four leaf clover, I always share the lucky charm and pass it on to a friend who needs good luck.  
Do you have any lucky charms?
Coins, rabbit’s foot, shamrock, horseshoe?
Wishing each of you a lovely day full of luck and charm.
Care to share your lucky charm?