Artful Living

market research

Friday is my day of the week for a bit of “market research.”
Something tells me that a bunch of these are needed for the office.

Care to join me in a little research?
Nothing like stepping away from the desk on a friday.

Firstly, I seem to be drawn to an array of such gorgeous colors.
I think my customers like the taste of a little color too.

Red, Orange, Yellow’s give me a “pep” talk and tell me, “buy me.”
Fresh roasted peppers really taste best.

Then the smell of freshly baked breads stand at my attention.
My clients love fresh bread. Who am I kidding, I love it too.

My research tells me that they love “bruschetta” – “salsa” – and “gazpacho” too.
Hope you have a chance to conduct your own market research and bring home some samples to share with your little or big markateers.
What sorts of market research do you do?