Artful Living

romantic at heart

Last week, I toured Sunnyside – home to Washington Irving. I am always impressed by the tour guides as they so eloquently share snippets of history about Mr. Irving. He merely wanted a place to write, a quiet setting, one that would engage all five senses.
Picture this;
The fragrant wisteria arranged so poetically above the door
the beautifully set table
the hum of the bees
the lovely velvet drape
the image of a life designed to inspire so many.
He was after all a writer, a romantic at heart.

My dear friend is also writing and in the midst of a flurry of edits.
Writing, creating, crafting comes straight from the heart.
Please leave my friend a comment to encourage her to keep writing, editing and working toward her dream of being published.

A few weeks ago, she merely suggested to me over dinner how the death of the heart can be re-lit with romance books. There is something about reading romance that can awaken one’s senses and rekindle the pleasure flame.
When you find life is like one big wind storm and you need to stop, to re-connect and to find love inspiration, what books do you read?
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