Artful Living


pve design illustration for “Edman” Boutique (2009)
How many of you out there find “windowing” fascinating. My family tells me, to not keep so many “windows” open at one time (on the computer) but I simply reply, I love fresh air and window shopping too. ( Sigh -Did I just sound like my own Mother?)

Last fall, I had the pleasure of creating this illustration for Whitney and now I take great joy in telling you that she has added a blog to her world. I love women who juggle life with a smile.

Hop on over here to this “Shopkeeper’s Blog” and take a look in her window and read her story. Now excuse me while I do a bit of “windowing.” Have a fabulous friday and make time for a little “windowing” from home. Any windows open that you care to share with the rest of us?