Artful Living

mirepoix minutes

duc de levis-Mirepoix
Whilst on a recent dash to Trader Joe’s in pursuit of a box of ready made “Swiss Fondue” introduced to me by a friend who gave me an “electric” foundue pot last year.
(as a gift for illustrating her holiday card.)
How easy, Fondue in minutes. Genius. Perfect apres ski or lunch!

I glanced to the right and spotted a container of ready made “mirepoix” and said, -“Now why did I not think of that?” How utterly divine to have a go to container of mirepoix at the ready.
Of course, hearing my practical motherly conscience tell me, “now how silly, you can chop that in minutes.” All one needs is, an onion or 2, carrots, celery and a sharp knife and voila. This is the base for a myriad of sauces and soups. Add some wine and heaven awaits any dish. A fond blanc mirepoix, merely substitute parsnips in lieu of carrots and a white sauce in a winter dish is not only aesthetically pleasing, it is tasty.
So, I ask, would you buy chopped mirepoix to shave off a few minutes of your day and what would you do with those extra minutes?
Why, post this tip with fellow bloggers is my answer!
More time for blogging and meeting fellow bloggers in person to share haute couture and haute cuisine tips. A perfect hostess gift!