Artful Living

step by step

Literally and figuratively, I work “step by step” when I am working on an illustration. This home was done one step at a time, massing in the areas in pencil, the rock walls, the vegetation, the grassy knolls, the home and the steps. I then work in micron pen, erasing after the ink has had a chance to dry. A drafting brush to brush away the eraser crumbs is an important step. The final step is layering in the watercolor after a palette has been decided upon. Clean water is a must. Do you work step by step?

This was a “give-away” for our school education foundation which I love to participate in. The winner and home-owner now has “House” cards, a postcard to send greetings. Sometimes, just a post card is the first step in connecting with those across the miles or even right next door.
Do you have house post-cards to send to those near and far?