Artful Living


Part of the impetus of this blog for me was to create daily. I never imagined that my readers (that’s you) would be so wonderfully supportive. Last week, I took a chance and posted two “fresh” paintings from my friday, in the studio time. Both works of art were sold. One client, a mother of three and loyal blog reader sent me an e-mail when her package arrived. “I love that it was a “fresh” new painting.

So, tell me, what does it take for you to live a “fresh” life, did you ever think of it that way. I have a whole new lease of looking for freshness when I create. Adding fresh ingredients to each day, be it in the form of my work, or fresh veggies, I am hopeful to bring a fresh perspective to you and to my day.
Each of your comments and your e-mails are like my own little fresh-air-fund! Thanks so much.
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