Artful Living

lucky me

Lucky me, I found this four leaf clover, the four petals stand for luck, love, faith and hope.
Consider this a twist of fate, a fortuitous find or just pure luck.  
I must admit, when one finds a four-leaf clover, one is compelled to save the specimen – to protect it and to consider it pure luck.

A lucky scroll and a wee lucky package.
I love hunting for four leaf clovers.  It is when you are not looking that you find them.  Well, several months ago, not even looking, a certain lady luck sent me such kind words in the form of an e-mail, then a package, not one but many.   Each one that arrived, was like finding a four-leaf clover, leaving me feeling that things in life happen for a reason.
A “Life-scape” work of art
We learned that we were connected by our love for art, and a love for a certain person, not just any person mind you but someone of stature and grace.  A worldly woman who might come across as a tad bit intimidating with her demeanor and her wealth of life.  A Grande Dame if you will.   She lived a life of grandeur, a life of luck, that said, not without sadness or hardship.
We consider ourselves lucky to have known her and to have been a part of her life.
A life-scape is created by living and experiencing, life, birth, joy, and death.  Meet artist, Debra, she commemorates life in her artwork, or her “Life-scapes.”  I can think of many who would love a gift like this to celebrate an occasion or to remember all the living in this fast life.  Debra is an artist, a mother, a young grandmother, a gardener, a cultivator and has a green thumb.
She has many talents to share.
four leaf clover paper weight
Do you believe in luck?  Is there a super-natural power that has connected you to someone.  I think daily of how each of us are here, connected, some lucky and some not so lucky.  My friends – this is the reason we are here, to connect, to share and to give freely.  The more that we give – we live more openly and we connect with others who have ways of touching us, moving us, and inspiring us to live a good life.  There are challenging times for many and if we each share a little luck, we will all find more luck.   
Do you believe in “luck?”  Leave a comment for good luck.  This week is all about luck.