Artful Living


Illustration – pve design, the makings of Chantilly cream
Imagine visiting a place known for it’s whipped cream.  We visited “Chateau de Chantilly” and toured the Chateau and dined on the property.  

Our special dessert was fresh berries topped with Creme de Chantilly.  Freshly whipped for all of us to see, the chilled stainless bowl, the large whisk, fresh cream, a bit of confectioner sugar and vanilla. 

photo – “open wide ” – enjoying the chantilly tasting from the bowl
Voila, lovely cream, a perfect topping to fresh fruit for a wonderful finish to any meal in any chateau or home.  Next time you are in Paris, plan a trip to Chantilly for a taste of 
fresh whipped cream, or perhaps a little Chantilly lace.