Artful Living

cottages to castles

cottage illustrated by pve design for topsy turvy
A cottage to use as an Artist Studio, a game room, a party room or a Library.
The above cottage belongs to this woman of style.

home illustrated by pve design for topsy turvy

This is the home of Topsy Turvy Style. I was expecting a bit of chaos as the name implies but I have looked closely while illustrating this idyllic spot. This is the home, one of a “twin” home designed by Architect, Dwight Baum. As they say we all have a “twin” somewhere.

Lana posted about pve design and my love for illustrating life on paper ranging from homes, shoppes to pets, parties to basically whatever your heart desires. When she posted her very own home, I took it as a sign to capture this special spot for her. Thank you for posting about me. I am so grateful for all of the support and motivation from the blogging community.