Artful Living

thank heavens for little boys

While touring Brussels, a visit to the “Grande Place” is always a must and just off the square, there is a famous little boy, “the Manne ka pis” – a statue of a little boy sprinkling and tinkling!

This statue is dressed up on Holiday and other days, simply sporting his “birthday suit!”  A visit quickly takes me back to the days of potty training twins and setting up a routine for them to successfully make the mark.  I know that many of you will appreciate the success and the rewards of having no more diapers to change.  Children along with adults find humor in this little boy.  Around the area, one can find lots of souvenirs of this statue.

We happened upon this Artist, Ziaeian, who had a booth set up and the most charming illustrations. We could not resist to purchase this small work of art to hang in the bathroom.
A souvenir or sorts.
There were other illustrations that I loved as well, take a look at this lovely building and those gorgeous flowers.  An awning always adds a smile to a building as well as protection from a different sort of shower.  Speaking of showers, it happens to be raining here today.  Thank heavens for little boys and for showers too!  Have a sunny day.