Artful Living

a state of grace

Life requires self examination in order to lead us to our path.   If I allow myself to become overwhelmed with allowing any thing to become too difficult, then it suddenly feels as if I am trying too hard. Trying too hard to prove something.  I find it becomes forced, but by giving up and not trying hard enough – then the difficulty of being in that moment finds me with with despair.  The trick or the true key is to try to stay in the middle of those two extremes, to be just relaxed enough to stay in a state of…. “grace.”

Weekends allow for a time of reflection, be they spiritual or worldly.  The above interior is a space that I picture to be a perfect state of grace.  A neutral dwelling space to sit, to reflect, to read, to live in the moment.
I would love to wake up from this four poster bed, white linens and soothing gray provide an ordered calm.  Ah, an adult nursery, fresh flowers, a candle, a spot of tea, soft pillows, some books to take me away and a throw to surrender me back to sleep.  I picture some loosely painted nudes above the bed mingled with some asian inspired artwork.
How do you seek to bring a state of grace to your world?  Do you have a place, a photo, a book an exercise or a person or thing that brings a sense of the middle ground to your life.  Please feel free to share with me in your words or a picture.
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