Artful Living

Frugal Friday

Frugal-Fashionista photo

Friday is a day for shopping for many, preparing for the weekend and any events that it might entail from parties to travels or simply relaxing in the confounds of one’s own abode. This year, I thought it might be nice to try and streamline my life, not necessarily “down-size” but to lead a life with a frugal approach. One of my favorite reads is “Walden” – not that I am ready to live in the woods in a cabin but seriously what does it take to make one truly chic and happy. It is a blend of having something new but not spending every cent, like that trip to the five and dime for a new little sparkly treasure. One blog that I look to for saving me pennies is the frugal-fashionista.  Cleverly posted idols flanked by similar goods all for lots less, now that is simply worth saving for. I admire those that can stretch the almighty dollar and still look like a million bucks.
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