Artful Living

magical leeks













On the first day of spring, I make a pot of magical leek soup. Years ago, when I read the book, “Why French Women don’t get fat” I was inspired to follow this spring regime.  The leeks must be cleaned of sand and grit and I do that by chopping them and letting them soak in a bowl of water.  I rinse several times.

Emma Tennant leeks watercolor

Inspired by the artwork of Emma Tennant and her passion for the garden, I am working on a magical series of blossoms.























The soup is as delicate as it is magical. If you use less of the woody green and more of the white stalk, your soup will appear white and milky. I strain the soup several times in a mesh sieve.  Garnish with a sprig of dill or parsley.  It’s delightfully nourishing and helps to shed a bit of winter’s layers, not that you need to worry about that.  Wink, wink.

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