Artful Living

hallowed eve

This was taken last year on the night of Halloween. We were all lit up and ready for any trick-or-treaters that dare climb our scary stairs. I changed out the bulbs to purple strobes.

Spooky music was playing and treats at the ready.
The torches were lit up and down the drive-way to ward off any evil spirits and vampires.

We had a small jack-o-lantern and an electric pumpkin light in the window.
My Mom gave this electric light to me years ago. All it requires is an outlet.
There is something to be said for no carving, no mess.
I am not lazy, just busy – and this holiday seems to come and go so fast, that I barely have the chance to hang the skeleton and bring out the rats, which by the way are on the steps, hiding.
Happy Halloween to each of you!
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